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useForm is a hook that allows you to manage forms. It has some action methods that create, edit and clone the form. The hook return value comes according to the called action, and it can run different logic depending on the action.

You can think of useForm as a bridge between your state and dataProvider. It's a low-level hook that you can use to build your own form components. It's also using notificationProvider to inform users according to the action and dataProvider responses.

Let's review how useForm works behind the scenes.

After form is submitted:

  1. useForm calls onFinish function with the form values.
  2. onFinish function calls useCreate with the form values.
  3. useCreate calls dataProvider's create function and returns the response.
  4. useForm calls onSuccess or onError function with the response, depending on the response status.
  5. onSuccess or onError function then calls the open function of the notificationProvider to inform the user.
  6. useForm redirects to the list page.

This is the default behavior of useForm. You can customize it by passing your own redirect, onFinish, onMutationSuccess and onMutationError props.


useForm does not manage any state. If you're looking for a complete form library, refine supports three form libraries out-of-the-box.


All the data related hooks(useTable, useForm, useList etc.) of refine can be given some common properties like resource, meta etc.

For more information, refer to the General Concepts documentation&#8594.

Basic Usage​

We'll show the basic usage of useForm by adding an creating form.

import { useState } from "react";
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostCreate = () => {
const [title, setTitle] = useState();
const { onFinish } = useForm({
action: "create",

const onSubmit = (e) => {
onFinish({ title });

return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<input onChange={(e) => setTitle(} />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
  • Returns the mutationResult after called the onFinish callback.
  • Accepts generic type parameters. It is used to define response type of the mutation and query.



useForm can handle edit, create and clone actions. By default the action is inferred from the active route. It can be overridden by passing the action explicitly.

action: "create" is used for creating a new record that didn't exist before.

useForm uses useCreate under the hood for mutations on create mode.

In the following example, we will show how to use useForm with action: "create".

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";

interface FormValues {
id: number;
title: string;
content: string;

const PostCreatePage: React.FC = () => {
const { formLoading, onFinish } = useForm<IPost, HttpError, FormValues>();

const [formValues, seFormValues] = useState<FormValues>({
title: "",
content: "",

const handleOnChange = (
e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>,
) => {

const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {

return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<label htmlFor="title">Title</label>

<label htmlFor="content">Content</label>
<button type="submit" disabled={formLoading}>
{formLoading && <div>Loading...</div>}


Default: It reads the resource value from the current URL.

It will be passed to the dataProvider's method as a params. This parameter is usually used to as a API endpoint path. It all depends on how to handle the resource in your dataProvider. See the creating a data provider section for an example of how resource are handled.

resource: "categories",

If the resource is passed, the id from the current URL will be ignored because it may belong to a different resource. To retrieve the id value from the current URL, use the useParsed hook and pass the id value to the useForm hook.

import { useForm, useParsed } from "@refinedev/core";

const { id } = useParsed();

resource: "custom-resource",

Or you can use the setId function to set the id value.

import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";

const { setId } = useForm({
resource: "custom-resource",


If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier instead of the name of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name of the resource defined in the <Refine/> component.

For more information, refer to the identifier of the <Refine/> component documentation β†’


id is used for determining the record to edit or clone. By default, it uses the id from the route. It can be changed with the setId function or id property.

It is useful when you want to edit or clone a resource from a different page.


id is required when action: "edit" or action: "clone".

action: "edit", // or clone
resource: "categories",
id: 1, // <BASE_URL_FROM_DATA_PROVIDER>/categories/1


redirect is used for determining the page to redirect to after the form is submitted. By default, it uses the list. It can be changed with the redirect property.

It can be set to "show" | "edit" | "list" | "create" or false to prevent the page from redirecting to the list page after the form is submitted.

redirect: false,


It's a callback function that will be called after the mutation is successful.

It receives the following parameters:

  • data: Returned value from useCreate or useUpdate depending on the action.
  • variables: The variables passed to the mutation.
  • context: react-query context.
  • isAutoSave: It's a boolean value that indicates whether the mutation is triggered by the autoSave feature or not.
onMutationSuccess: (data, variables, context, isAutoSave) => {
console.log({ data, variables, context, isAutoSave });


It's a callback function that will be called after the mutation is failed.

It receives the following parameters:

  • data: Returned value from useCreate or useUpdate depending on the action.
  • variables: The variables passed to the mutation.
  • context: react-query context.
  • isAutoSave: It's a boolean value that indicates whether the mutation is triggered by the autoSave feature or not.
onMutationError: (data, variables, context, isAutoSave) => {
console.log({ data, variables, context, isAutoSave });


You can use it to manage the invalidations that will occur at the end of the mutation.

By default it's invalidates following queries from the current resource:

  • on "create" or "clone" mode: "list" and "many"
  • on "edit" mode: "list"", "many" and "detail"
invalidates: ["list", "many", "detail"],


If there is more than one dataProvider, you should use the dataProviderName that you will use. It is useful when you want to use a different dataProvider for a specific resource.


If you want to use a different dataProvider on all resource pages, you can use the dataProvider prop of the <Refine> component.

dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",


Mutation mode determines which mode the mutation runs with. Mutations can run under three different modes: pessimistic, optimistic and undoable. Default mode is pessimistic. Each mode corresponds to a different type of user experience.

For more information about mutation modes, refer to the Mutation Mode documentation

mutationMode: "undoable", // "pessimistic" | "optimistic" | "undoable",



NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After form is submitted successfully, useForm will call open function from NotificationProvider to show a success notification. With this prop, you can customize the success notification.

successNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `Post Successfully created with ${data.title}`,
description: "Success with no errors",
type: "success",



NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After form is submit is failed, useForm will call open function from NotificationProvider to show a success notification. With this prop, you can customize the success notification.

errorNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `Something went wrong when deleting ${}`,
description: "Error",
type: "error",
Default values
"message": "Error when updating <resource-name> (status code: ${err.statusCode})" or "Error when creating <resource-name> (status code: ${err.statusCode})",
"description": "Error",
"type": "error",


meta is a special property that can be used to pass additional information to data provider methods for the following purposes:

  • Customizing the data provider methods for specific use cases.
  • Generating GraphQL queries using plain JavaScript Objects (JSON).
  • Filling the path parameters when generating the redirection path.
  • Providing additional parameters to the redirection path after the form is submitted.

In the following example, we pass the headers property in the meta object to the create method. With similar logic, you can pass any properties to specifically handle the data provider methods.

meta: {
headers: { "x-meta-data": "true" },

const myDataProvider = {
create: async ({ resource, variables, meta }) => {
const headers = meta?.headers ?? {};
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;

const { data } = await, variables, { headers });

return {

For more information, refer to the meta section of the General Concepts documentation β†’


In addition to the meta property, you can also pass the queryMeta property to the useForm hook. This property is used to pass additional information to the useOne hook that is used to fetch the data in the edit and clone modes. This is useful when you have to apply different values to the useOne hook from the useCreate or useUpdate hook mutations.

queryMeta: {
querySpecificValue: "someValue",

If you have overlapping properties in both meta and queryMeta, the queryMeta property will be used.


In addition to the meta property, you can also pass the mutationMeta property to the useForm hook. This property is used to pass additional information to the useCreate or useUpdate hook mutations. This is useful when you have to apply different values to the useCreate or useUpdate hooks from the useOne hook query.

mutationMeta: {
mutationSpecificValue: "someValue",

If you have overlapping properties in both meta and mutationMeta, the mutationMeta property will be used.



Works only in action: "edit" or action: "clone" mode.

in edit or clone mode, refine uses useOne hook to fetch data. You can pass queryOptions options by passing queryOptions property.

queryOptions: {
retry: 3,



This option is only available when action: "create" or action: "clone".

In create or clone mode, refine uses useCreate hook to create data. You can pass mutationOptions by passing createMutationOptions property.

createMutationOptions: {
retry: 3,



This option is only available when action: "edit".

In edit mode, refine uses useUpdate hook to update data. You can pass mutationOptions by passing updateMutationOptions property.

updateMutationOptions: {
retry: 3,


Whether to update data automatically ("auto") or not ("manual") if a related live event is received. It can be used to update and show data in Realtime throughout your app.

liveMode: "auto",

For more information, refer to the Live / Realtime page


The callback function that is executed when new events from a subscription are arrived.

onLiveEvent: (event) => {


Params to pass to liveProvider's subscribe method.


If you want loading overtime for the request, you can pass the overtimeOptions prop to the this hook. It is useful when you want to show a loading indicator when the request takes too long. interval is the time interval in milliseconds. onInterval is the function that will be called on each interval.

Return overtime object from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useForm({
overtimeOptions: {
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...

// You can use it like this:
elapsedTime >= 4000 && <div>this takes a bit longer than expected</div>;


If you want to save the form automatically after some delay when user edits the form, you can pass true to autoSave.enabled prop.

It also supports onMutationSuccess and onMutationError callback functions. You can use isAutoSave parameter to determine whether the mutation is triggered by autoSave or not.


Works only in action: "edit" mode.

onMutationSuccess and onMutationError callbacks will be called after the mutation is successful or failed.


To enable the autoSave feature, set the enabled parameter to true.

autoSave: {
enabled: true,


Set the debounce time for the autoSave prop. Default value is 1000.

autoSave: {
enabled: true,
debounce: 2000,

Return Values​


If the action is set to "edit" or "clone" or if a resource with an id is provided, useForm will call useOne and set the returned values as the queryResult property.

const { queryResult } = useForm();

const { data } = queryResult;


When in "create" or "clone" mode, useForm will call useCreate. When in "edit" mode, it will call useUpdate and set the resulting values as the mutationResult property."

const { mutationResult } = useForm();

const { data } = mutationResult;


useForm determine id from the router. If you want to change the id dynamically, you can use setId function.

const { id, setId } = useForm();

const handleIdChange = (id: string) => {

return (
<input value={id} onChange={(e) => handleIdChange(} />


"By default, after a successful mutation, useForm will redirect to the "list" page. To redirect to a different page, you can either use the redirect function to programmatically specify the destination, or set the redirect property in the hook's options.

In the following example we will redirect to the "show" page after a successful mutation.

const { onFinish, redirect } = useForm();

// --

const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
const data = await onFinish(formValues);
redirect("show", data?.data?.id);

// --


onFinish is a function that is called when the form is submitted. It will call the appropriate mutation based on the action property. You can override the default behavior by passing an onFinish function in the hook's options.

For example you can change values before sending to the API.


Loading state of a modal. It's true when useForm is currently being submitted or data is being fetched for the "edit" or "clone" mode.


overtime object is returned from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useForm();

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...


If autoSave is enabled, this hook returns autoSaveProps object with data, error, and status properties from mutation.


How can Invalidate other resources?​

You can invalidate other resources with help of useInvalidate hook.

It is useful when you want to invalidate other resources don't have relation with the current resource.

import { useInvalidate, useForm } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostEdit = () => {
const invalidate = useInvalidate();

onMutationSuccess: (data, variables, context) => {
resource: "users",
invalidates: ["resourceAll"],

// ---

How can I change the form data before submitting it to the API?​

You may need to modify the form data before it is sent to the API.

For example, Let's send the values we received from the user in two separate inputs, name and surname, to the API as fullName.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";

export const UserCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [name, setName] = useState();
const [surname, setSurname] = useState();

const { onFinish } = useForm();

const onSubmit = (e) => {
const fullName = `${name} ${surname}`;
fullName: fullName,

return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<input onChange={(e) => setName(} />
<input onChange={(e) => setSurname(} />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

How to pass meta values only for the mutation or query?​

You can use meta property to pass common values to the mutation and the query. But in some cases, you may want to pass different values to the mutation and the query. To do this, you can use mutationMeta and queryMeta properties.

API Reference​



These props have default values in RefineContext and can also be set on <Refine> component. useForm will use what is passed to <Refine> as default but a local value will override it.

Type Parameters​

TQueryFnDataResult data returned by the query function. Extends BaseRecordBaseRecordBaseRecord
TErrorCustom error object that extends HttpErrorHttpErrorHttpError
TVariablesValues for params.{}
TDataResult data returned by the select function. Extends BaseRecord. If not specified, the value of TQueryFnData will be used as the default value.BaseRecordTQueryFnData
TResponseResult data returned by the mutation function. Extends BaseRecord. If not specified, the value of TData will be used as the default value.BaseRecordTData
TResponseErrorCustom error object that extends HttpError. If not specified, the value of TError will be used as the default value.HttpErrorTError

Return values​

onFinishTriggers the mutation(values: TVariables) => Promise<CreateResponse<TData> | UpdateResponse<TData> | void>
queryResultResult of the query of a recordQueryObserverResult<T>
mutationResultResult of the mutation triggered by calling onFinishUseMutationResult<T>
formLoadingLoading state of form requestboolean
idRecord id for clone and create actionBaseKey
setIdid setterDispatch<SetStateAction< string | number | undefined>>
redirectRedirect function for custom redirections(redirect: "list"|"edit"|"show"|"create"| false ,idFromFunction?: BaseKey|undefined) => data
overtimeOvertime loading props{ elapsedTime?: number }
autoSavePropsAuto save props{ data: UpdateResponse<TData> | undefined, error: HttpError | null, status: "loading" | "error" | "idle" | "success" }


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